Sep 19, 2023

Upcoming book by Dr. Rupali Paranjape.

"Compliance Fuel" "A Holistic Path towards becoming the Titanium Compliance professional"

The path of Compliance & Quality is not a cake walk.

The path of Compliance & Quality is lead by the Leaders who are tough, who are non negotiable for Compliance which give Quality product !!!!

The Leaders who are not born but who incarnated themselves to save the life of people.....

Leaders who find the ways in darkness of challenges!!

Who are self motivated....

Who do not need to get inspiration from outer world....

Who are the powers....

Want to know the secret of this energy ?

Do not miss reading the upcoming book by Dr. Rupali Paranjape......

Blue Ocean Compliance announces the second book in its series:

"Compliance Fuel"

"A Holistic Path towards becoming the Titanium Compliance professional"

Authored by Dr. Rupali Paranjape,

The Founder Blue Ocean Compliance,

TEDx speaker, International Best Selling Author,

Asia's first Blue Ocean Compliance Mentor for Pharmaceutical Companies & Pharma Professionals.

"Compliance Fuel" "A Holistic Path towards becoming the Titanium Compliance professional"